Grupo Alto case

Grupo Alto case

Since its founder, Jorge Nazer came to us in 2005, Jankelevich&Zaninovic has worked as the communicational consultant for Alto Group. 

Alto Group is a corporate matrix of a party of companies dedicated to deliver holistic and innovative solutions to prevent and diminish property risks that affect enterprises in different industries. Currently, Alto Group provides services to more than 60 leading companies in their respective industries, that range from retail, basic services, insurance companies, logistics firms and educational institutes, amongst others.

In a first stage, Jankelevich&Zaninovic™ efforts focused in providing visibility tu Alto Group, until then an unknown company, and giving it positioning as a referral, dedicated to provide a complete service, based on an innovative information system and an excellent legal management. Providing positive notes regarding to Alto Group™ inception, its evolution in time and its vast experience and competence. 

In the second stage, we worked on establish Alto Group as a successful company to deliver complete and innovative services to prevent loss and misdeed reduction within clients. There took place diverse communicational efforts that bring positive positioning (alliances, agreements and press coverage), regarding its diverse business units (Alto, GeoResearch, Inmune). As Alto Group has been positioned the have also been provided of support for the spokesperson™ in all its diversified business areas.

Between 2013 and 2014, Alto Group gathered 316 Chilean media clippings and the distribution of 179 press releases with news regarding its activities.

Case CDF

Case CDF

During its history, Jankelevich & Zaninovic has dealt with multiple communicational crisis, amongst them the case of CDF (the National Football Channel).

During 2003 Claro&Asociados along the ANFP (National Professional Football Association), acquired the television broadcasting rights for the National Championship. CDF began its operations and national TV channels decided to gather as a group and appeal to the right of access to information, thus not accepting to pay for a service they considered that should be free, using the argument of “not depriving chilean people of football”. 

So started “Goal Wars” y the agency was sought when the crisis was at full development.

The role of  Jankelevich & Zaninovic was to push through with a strong damage control campaign, which included the following actions: 

Analysis of the situation and of the standpoint of all the groups envolved.

CDF and ANFP alignment in key messages  to media: “No information rights have been infringed, it is a business model used in the countries (Argentina and Spain).

Anticipating two fronts, the public opinion and legal, Jankelevich & Zaninovic got in touch with the Government Spokesman in office and organised a with the CEO of CDF, Jorge Claro, so both could understand each other’s point of view.

Leaders of opinion concerning sports and football were reached to let them know CDF’s arguments. 

Interviews with the media (written and radio, since the national TV channels continued its informational blockade to any news regarding this issue).   


Effective damage control. 

In matter of days, CDF’s arguments were presented to the press, to influencers and authorities, so the frequency of “bad press” diminished, some leaders of opinion even supported CDF’s stands. 

Goverment representatives and the in-office Spokesman were convinced of CDF’s propper procedures expressing that the matter had to be resolved between the parts envolved.  

Key CDF messages and stands were effectively delivered through the interviews of its CEO. 

At the present time, CDF still operates regularly and the national TV channels respect CDF’s right to charge for the images of the National Football Championship. 

Case Boeing

Case Boeing

Jankelevich&Zaninovic has worked since 2010 with Boeing, to position the aviation company as the largest producers of commercial aeroplanes and one of the most relevant aerospace equipment manufacturers around the globe.  

To achieve this task, it has been sought to promote the name of the enterprise through press releases and specially through press coverage of FIDAE, the most important Air and Space International Fair in the region, an expo of aerospace and defence technologies in carried out in Chile every two years, in which during its three days, Boeing is a protagonist.    

Also, Boeing is supported with the daily delivery of notes concerning aeronautical news.

30 press releases, 22 interviews and 71 press press clips have been achieved in the last three editions of FIDAE (2010, 2012 and 2014).Â