Grupo Alto case

Grupo Alto case

Since its founder, Jorge Nazer came to us in 2005, Jankelevich&Zaninovic has worked as the communicational consultant for Alto Group. 

Alto Group is a corporate matrix of a party of companies dedicated to deliver holistic and innovative solutions to prevent and diminish property risks that affect enterprises in different industries. Currently, Alto Group provides services to more than 60 leading companies in their respective industries, that range from retail, basic services, insurance companies, logistics firms and educational institutes, amongst others.

In a first stage, Jankelevich&Zaninovic™ efforts focused in providing visibility tu Alto Group, until then an unknown company, and giving it positioning as a referral, dedicated to provide a complete service, based on an innovative information system and an excellent legal management. Providing positive notes regarding to Alto Group™ inception, its evolution in time and its vast experience and competence. 

In the second stage, we worked on establish Alto Group as a successful company to deliver complete and innovative services to prevent loss and misdeed reduction within clients. There took place diverse communicational efforts that bring positive positioning (alliances, agreements and press coverage), regarding its diverse business units (Alto, GeoResearch, Inmune). As Alto Group has been positioned the have also been provided of support for the spokesperson™ in all its diversified business areas.

Between 2013 and 2014, Alto Group gathered 316 Chilean media clippings and the distribution of 179 press releases with news regarding its activities.