Sonia Jankelevich W.
Founder & Directive Partner

Journalist from Universidad Catolica de Chile. Has over 25 years of professional experience, both in mass media and corporate communications. International analyst and editor for “Channel 13” and “Mega”. Independent writer for “El Mercurio” and collaborator of “Qué pasa” magazine. As manager in Burson-Marsteller, she led accounts for pharmaceuticals and retail. In 2011 she was awarded with the “Women of the 21st Century” award from Universidad del Pacifico, for her efforts in communications and culture.

Ximena Zaninovic S.
Directive Partner

Journalist from Universidad Diego Portales and Education major of Universidad Católica.

Has a background of more than 16 years as a multidisciplinary professional, ranging from marketing, corporate communications, mass media and education. She has worked with “Channel 4”, “Las Últimas Noticias”, “Embotelladora Andina”, “Andina” editorial and Burson-Marsteller in the technology and public affairs department. Currently, she is professor of “Journalism and Media Strategy” at Universidad del Pacifico.

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